The Ferrajoli Palace is located in Piazza Colonna. Built at the end of the 16th century on a project by Giacomo della Porta far Del Bufolo family, it was finished in 1647. 1ts main architect thought was Francesco Peparelli who started to work on it-in 1627. Though the centuries the palace had dijferent owners, mostly high prelates and cardinals. It was also the French embassy when the French ambassador was Cardinal Fesh, an uncle of Napoleon. In the 19th century the palace was bought by the Ferrajoli family, who still owns it.
In front of the palace is the Column of Marcus Aurelius (42 meters high), built by the emperor Marcus Aurelius to celebrate his victories and in honor of his father, the emperor Antoninus Pius, whose statue was at the top of the column until Pope Sixtus V had it substituted with the present one of St. Paul. The oval fauntain near the column was designed by Giacomo della Porta in 1576-77 and embellished by famous artists and architects.
The building in front of the Ferrajoli Palace, the Chigi Palace, built at the end of the 16th century for Cardinal Deti, belonged to the Chigi family. Purchased in 1917 by the Italian State, it is now the seat of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet).